

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Okay,so lets see how this works. I am trying to post from my cell phone. Mmm, I think it might take a little more time since the keypad is much smaller.
2. I passed my written exam so that I could get a drivers license since mine had expired. I was so nervous! After all it has been 13 years since I've had to do such a thing. I missed 5 questions; but I still passed!
3. Friday is my next prenatal visit and tomorrow I will be 16 weeks! I'm just a few weeks from getting to find out what we are having! Yay-so excited!
4. Since we've been home nothing exciting has taken place. I wish this post could be full of earth shattering excitement; but that's just not my life.
5. I have discovered that Joseph and I eat out entirely to much. If we would cut back on this luxury we could save so much! We are going to attempt to treat ourselves only on special occasions or for an occasional Sunday dinner.
6. Garage sale time. It's that time again for garage sales and the chance to find some good deals! It's also the time for Joseph and I to once again clean out our stuff and get rid of things we no longer use, so we can be the ones getting money from the good deals were selling!
7. I'm excited to have been invited to a purse/taste of home/scentsy party! I'm especially anxious to check out the product Scentsy-i have heard so much about this candle, air freshener, car freshener company! I hear such rave reviews from my friends and I hope to have my own rave review!
8. Joseph and I have been apartment hunting. Our rent goes up in August and we kinda need to get a bigger place and it would be nice to have some extra amenities in our apartment, like a dishwasher, dryer/washer. Unfortunately, everything in our price range is unavailable. Hopefully, someone will move out and we can move in! Or maybe someone will say, "let me pay your rent for a year!"
9. It has been so beautiful outside lately! I'm loving it! And I will even love it tonight when the rain decides to come and pitter patter against my window pane!
10. Well, it's time to play Mario on the Wii with my husband-happy Tuesday!

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