

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Special Moment

This past week we dealt with Klayton being constipated-poor guy. We blame the new formula and all the bananas he has been eating. Anyway, every night before bed we pray together as a family. Klayton even prays, of course were saying the words! But still, its a very special and important time of day as a family. So Thursday, his prayer went something like this, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for daddy. Thank you for mommy. Please help me not to be constipated. I love you Jesus, Amen". As he prayed for his constipation...guess what? His prayer was immediately answered! Joseph and I cheered and told Klayton that God answered his prayer and we then offered up a prayer of thankfulness for answered prayer! Its never to early to teach our kids how to pray and that God answers prayer!

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