

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 on Tuesday

1. I have decided to take a Facebook sabbatical! I will be deactivating my account Memorial Day until Labor Day. Still in an effort to not be so attached to my phone.
2. We move on tomorrow to Clinton, Massachusetts for a missions conference. This means lots to accomplish today: cleaning, packing, laundry and who knows what else will be added to the list.
3. This past Sunday we had some time to spare in the afternoon and spent it visiting Plymouth Rock and doing all the free stuff they had to offer!
4. The Mayflower! It costs $25 to step in, thankfully I was able to take a free picture!
5. Going to start taking Apple Cider Vinegar-yes it sounds nasty. But, I have been told about the great health benefits. I will have to blog about that sometime along with a few other things that I am learning, like if you take apple cider vinegar you should be sure to take the one with, "the mother" in it! Lol!
6. Friday we went up to Rockport, Massachusetts and walked the shops along the ocean!
7. Its getting harder and harder to capture pictures of this little guy! Just before I snapped this shot he was smiling and then something caught his eye!
8. God has given me a lot of peace lately about some situations in my life. I still struggle; but God just keeps reminding me of His goodness and that it is going to be okay. Just gotta keep trusting.
9. Um, sometimes I have a really hard time coming up with random thoughts...thankfully since this is a random post I can get away with wasting this spot with just that acknowledgement!
10. I don't know what the weather is like where you are; but here its raining so I am going to try and have a happy Tuesday in spite of the gloom!

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