

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Short and Sweet!

Unfortunately, nothing very exciting has happened to tell you about. We are still in Glenrock, Wyoming; but will be moving on this Sunday afternoon to Sundance, Wyoming.
While here in Glenrock we have enjoyed getting to know the Pastor, his wife and family so much! They have been SO kind to us…had us over for dinner and fellowship many nights! We have also appreciated their Godly example that they have set before us!
This past Monday, Glenrock was the recipient of a blizzard! And I thought it was spring, especially since on Sunday it was in the 70’s! We received at least 12 inches of snow; but, on Tuesday it already started to melt as it was in the 40’s! Wyoming weather is very fickle!
For those of you who voted in my poll, if you chose, Norwegians…read more books than any other population-you are correct! Norwegians are very knowledgeable people and they love knowledge!
So, yes, this is really short; but that’s about all there is to say! Oh, one more thing…I am going to start a new edition to this blog! Celebrate Life will be posted every Saturday if time permits and I have an internet connection. Celebrate Life will be a post of 10 things that happened in the week that I am thankful for or need prayer about!

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