

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. Started the day off by taking Klayton for a walk with my friend Heather and her little boy! We walked for almost 2 hours and hopefully sweated some calories off.
2. Came home and have been packing all day...I hate packing.
3. Just realized that I haven't shared the news, were moving! An opportunity has presented itself that is allowing us to move into a house!
4. Even better than just living in a house is that we will be living there for much less than what we are.spending now, just the cost of utilities! How awesome is that?? God is good!
5. In just a few weeks we will be back on the road traveling again.
6. Yesterday I got my hair cut and colored...I love it! Kudos to Crystal at NeZhoni here in Sioux Falls! She does great work!
7. So, its August and its still so stinking hot. Ugh!
8. Last week I discovered the joy of shopping at a farmers market! We bought yummy sweet corn and banana peppers...which I can never find in the grocery store! I also bought some juicy cantaloupe! Love it!
9. Weird kid story: There was a knock on our door and Joseph peeked out the peep hole. It was a boy that lives a few town houses down from us. Joseph waited a second and opened the door...the boy had put a snake on our door step and then proceeded to tell us he didn't know how it got there; but it doesn't bite. Kids these days!
10. So, I don't really feel like cooking tonight; but its cheaper then eating out.
Happy Tuesday!

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