

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. Congrats to my sister Kayla and her husband Kenny on the announcement of her pregnancy. Looks like Klayton will have a cousin to play with next January or February.
2. My husbands parents are here for a visit. Klayton has already been spoiled and Joseph has already hit the golf course with his dad.
3. My baby is growing so fast. Josephs mom and I sorted through Klaytons closet and packed an 18 gallon tote of clothes he's outgrown.
4. Tomorrow we are getting family pictures taken.
5. My 5k run is quickly approaching and I am still very out of shape...I might want to consider getting into some shape before June 4th.
6. Why are clothes SO expensive to buy? I would love to get some new tops for summer; but even with "sales" I'm still cheap.
7. I need to do some serious scrapping...last week I got 150 prints from Snap Fish for just the price of shipping. So, that means scrap booking is now in order.
8. I am officially behind on the Mothers Day post, my brothers wedding post and the giveaway.
9. Klayton loves squash! Thats the last veggie to introduce and later this week we can start introducing fruits!
10. I hope you all have a Happy Tuesday and I'm off to watch my baby play on his grandpas laptop!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love shopping. I love clothes.

I hate budgets. :0) However, after my first was born, I found Savers & Y's Buys. You can find great previously experienced clothing for pretty cheap!