

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Celebrating Klayton's Birthday

I think its safe to say that Klayton enjoyed 3 days of celebrating his 3rd birthday! I didn't get pictures of everything...like on Sunday how he was spoiled with gifts from people at our church! But, our celebration started on Saturday at Chuck E Cheese!
I must admit I don't know if going there is for Klayton or for Grandma because she has just as much fun!

But, none the less Klayton enjoys the rides...

And he enjoys doing things with his Daddy!

Klayton always has a blast at Chuck E Cheese and I should admit his daddy and I enjoy playing some of the games to earn tickets for prizes for him! I think we managed to score 150 tickets and Klayton snagged a slinky with the earnings!
Then came Monday-the BIG 3! Wow! Klayton woke up and seriously looked older to me! It might of been in my head; but he really is growing up SO fast! We did a small birthday party with my parents for him. When we arrived to my parents house my mom had streamers blocking the door way that he had to tear down to get through! It was fun and cute because after that all streamers had to be destroyed!
After the destruction of streamers we brought out the presents and before we even sat down Klayton was ripping into his presents!

I am so happy with the Radio Flyer Scooter we bought Klayton! He loves it and is scooting like a pro-he just needs to figure out how to turn it! Its a lean to turn scooter!

Klayton also got a puppy-no not a real puppy; but a puppy that barks, wags its tail and moves its paws! And apparently its close enough to real that shortly after opening it Klayton took to where my parents sometimes keep their own dogs-the kitchen and put up the baby gate so the puppy couldn't get out!

And of course after all the presents are opened we have to do the birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday! Unfortunately, Klayton had ZERO interest in being sang to and in the middle of the song decided he was done and got up off the chair to move onto something better! Thankfully, he came back to blow out his birthday candle!

Another birthday down and another year of life to look forward to with my Little Mister! Loving everyday with him!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Took my dad to Sioux City and had a little date with Klayton at Chick-Fil-A! Ok...I sat alone at a table and watched him play and between trips up the slide he took bites of his meal!
2. I do believe Klayton had a wonderful birthday and I'm hoping to post pics of it this week!
3.  64 days down and approximately 216 more to go. Eh. I have two doctors visits next week-hoping to at least hear baby's heart beat!
4.  I think it's time to bring out the boots and sweaters, can't remember the last time it was warm?!
5.  A suggestion for those with kiddos: consider enrolling your child in the Barnes and Noble kids program! As far as I can remember its free and kids get a free cupcake or cookie for their birthday! I enrolled Klayton before he was even a year old and he has now enjoyed 3 years of free treats! Yummy!
6.  Read any good books lately? I am getting ready to read, Love Isn't Supposed to Hurt....can't think of the author right now. But, I'm slowly crossing off books for my bucket list...
7.  I'm in the mood to scrapbook! Haven't done it in ages and I'm behind in doing Klayton's baby book; but I kinda want to get started on a pregnancy scrapbook for this baby while it's fresh!
8.  Can we just skip Halloween and go directly to Thanksgiving? I hate Halloween with a passion. 
9.  Does anyone know of a valid 
reason why a person may lose a toenail without warning? And I'm looking for reasons besides stubbing the toe or dropping something on it. 
10.  So, my random, final thought-Happy Tuesday! Yep, that's all I've got!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Klayton!

I seriously cannot believe that my little guy is 3 today! Where has the time gone by, I can remember like it was yesterday giving birth to him and holding him for the first time and now he hardly wants to be held because he is growing up SO fast!

Here are some interesting facts about Klayton:

*Wear size 3t clothes.
*In a 7-8 toddler shoe.
*Weigh 33 lbs.
*Stand at about 36 inches in height!
*Know how to work an Ipad.
*Lately you are really into coloring.
*No longer use sippy cups, this has been a thing of the past for a while now.
*Sometimes when you are about to do something naughty you will look at me with a smile-a very cheesy smile-and wave at me…so funny!
*Definitely a Daddy’s boy, unless there is an injury and then you still need Mama!
*Lately everyone is, Mom. Crazy kid.
*Enjoy watching Special Agent: OSO as well as any dog related cartoon on Netflix!
*At night you enjoy having your back rubbed.
*I can’t remember the last time you wore a shirt to bed. Yes, I attempt to get a shirt on you; but as soon as you get to bed it comes off!
*You love zippers! In fact if you are wearing a zip up hoodie, it has to be zipped!
*Recently rode a carousel for the first time.
*Klayton enjoys playing with his cars and legos!
*Lately after giving an explanation of sorts to Klayton he will say, "ohhhh!"
*Knows how to dress and undress himself-including socks! Socks was a hard one for him to master for awhile; but he seems to finally got the hang of it.

A Few of his Favorite Things:

Riding his Go-Go, Tricycle! Klayton has really mastered the pedaling this summer and acts like he's been doing it all his life! He will ride his Go-Go everywhere...sometimes when I tell him its time to go potty he will ride it to the bathroom!

Balls! Whether its catching or kicking, a football or a basketball...none of it matters as long as it is a ball! I love his football tossing stance, he has it perfected to 100% complete cuteness!

Dogs...whether its talking about dogs, watching dogs or his stuffed animals-it doesn't take long to figure out that Klayton LOVES dogs and that is no exaggeration!

Andes Mints, these are his favorite treat as of late and at church he knows right where the candy dish is! Thankfully, his Grandma bought him his own package recently!

Car Slippers, I wasn't really sure what Klayton would think of wearing slippers since he is like me and prefers to be sockless and shoeless while inside; but he wears them everyday and has been known on an occasion or two to sleep with them!

Dear Little Mister,
You really are my Sunshine! I still find myself looking at you with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes thanking God for the gift you are to me! I have already made so many mistakes in the navigation of motherhood and have given several apologies to you already, those are the times in my life where I really see my weakness and I know God sees it and yet He still blessed me with this title of, Klayton's Mom!
Each day is a new adventure with you and I love seeing things through your eyes and watching your personality shine! You already have such a servant's heart and I pray that God will continue to cultivate that heart within and that you will grow to know the Lord and love the Lord with all your heart!
I love you, you will never know how much you mean to me...
All My Love,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ten on Tuesday-Baby Notes

1. I asked Klayton if he wanted a baby and he said, "No, dog!"
2. I wish I could remember how I felt during my first weeks of pregnancy with Klayton. It's like I either don't feel pregnant or I have a full day of being exhausted with severe waves of nausea.
3. As of yesterday I am 7 weeks.
4. I haven't had ANY caffeine since I found out my news! Trying to replace the caffeine with flavored water that's aspartame free!
5. No food cravings yet!
6. Baby is the size of a blueberry!
7. Sometimes we will ask Klayton where baby is and he will lift his shirt to point to his belly!
8. Joseph is convinced that Rainbow Baby is a girl. I am on the fence about baby gender.
9. The crazy dreams are back! I had very weird dreams with Klayton and well they are back in full force...like dreams of me decorating my home in paper plates!
10. I'm anxious for a doctors appointment just so I can hear the baby's heartbeat! I did go and get the official confirmation that I am pregnant last Friday; which was exciting and a relief!
Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Rainbow

A few weeks ago, I laid in bed with Klayton and was having a rough night with my struggle to conceive. As I watched my little guy I was so thankful for him; but so heart broken because I wanted him to be a big brother. After about an hour of literally crying to the Lord about this, I boldly asked the Lord to give me another child or to give me peace that I would have another child someday. I purposed to do my best and to be "okay" with things and I was once again reminded that accepting where God has you now can be a daily struggle!
Speed up a couple weeks and that time was nearing. Joseph approached me about buying a pregnancy test and I quickly stated that it wasn’t an option and that I don’t particularly enjoy taking pregnancy tests-they never give me the right answer! But, a couple days later I started to wonder and decided he could buy me one only if he was convinced it would be okay! So, Tuesday, September 24, 2013 we went and bought one to take at my discretion. The following morning as I walked to the bathroom-sick to my tummy-I tried to talk myself out of this and even told the Lord how much I hated doing things like that! And I reminded the Lord that its been 2 LONG years of trying…and the Lord knew I couldn’t wait much longer for my positive so I guess that’s why before I could even put the test down it gave me a POSITIVE result! I literally ran back to the room, grabbed Joseph out of bed and pulled him to the bathroom to show him the news! I was ECSTATIC! Then it was all I could do to wait for Klayton to wake up and tell him he is going to be a big brother around May 26th, 2014!

This baby is already such a gift! Our little family has been through A LOT in the past 2 years-its not been easy and this gift is a reminder to me that there is ALWAYS a rainbow after the storm!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bucket List-Book Review #5

I am still alive-I think this is the longest I've ever went without blogging! And to welcome me back I am doing what may be considered a boring post as its another book to cross off my 12 books to read from my bucket list!

I just finished, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman!

As I have stated before just because I am doing a book review does not mean I am endorsing the book. I am simply informing you about what I liked and of some interesting thoughts from the book:

...the divorce rate for second marriages in at least 60 percent, and rises when children are involved.

Mark Twain once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment."

...verbal compliments are far greater greater motivators than nagging words.

The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well-being of the one you love. It is a fact, however, that when we receive affirming words we are far more likely to be motivated to reciprocate and do something our spouse desires.

Encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from your spouse's perspective. We must first learn what is important to our spouse.

"...I don't know if I can ever forgive you." Those are not words of love but of bitterness and resentment and revenge.

The book offered real life scenarios that were easy to relate to. Sometimes it could look extreme to the situation; but to some its their reality and it was a good reminder that I DON'T want the extreme of marriage issues! We all have areas in our marriage that need to be worked on and the most important person to involve in our marriages is GOD!