

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Today, we are homeward bound and will be home for at least another month!
2. Last night, we were able to have dinner with our good friends the Metsingers! We met them at Famous Daves, enjoyed some good food; but most importantly a good time.
3. Tomorrow, it will be time to get my followup ultrasound to check on baby's heart rate. Please pray that baby is okay and that the heart rate has increased. My appointment is at 10:45.
4. I am seriously contemplating getting my hair chopped off, I had been trying to let my hair grow out; but I don't know how much more I can take of constant tangles. I am getting my hair done this week, will I come home with a simple hair trim or a complete new hair style?
5. This is my 100th post, I thought about making a big deal about it; but have decided to make my big post, the 101 post!
6. This past Saturday, I was able to spend the afternoon with my great friend Lindsay! I am so thankful for her friendship and that we were able to spend some time together, even though we were both very tired.
7. Speaking of Lindsay, its crazy to think but her and I have actually known each other for 10 years now-which is absolutely crazy!
8. Our church's ladies retreat is just slightly a month away and I really need to start ironing out my workshop details! I am so looking forward to doing the workshop-I hope its a blessing to all that attend my workshop.
9. I have been to the driving range twice now with my new driver and I actually can see improvement in my swing! Joseph also bought me a new golf bag-one that looks more girly...we got such a good deal, it was on sale, plus we got another $10 off! Sweet deals!
10. Thanks for being a faithful reader...I love doing my blog and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it!

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