

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday Update

So, I discovered this morning that I am going to be the emotional queen of pregnancy-ugh. Joseph received a phone call from the Pastor of the church we will be in on Sunday. The pastor informed Joseph that since we were so close he would like us to be there at 10 a.m for visitation on Saturday-I had made plans a few weeks ago to spend the morning/afternoon with my friend Lindsay. I just started crying, knowing I would have to cancel my plans with Lindsay. And I also could not get over the fact that I was crying over all of this, I should not cry this easily...its one thing to be disappointed; but to add tears to the mix is another thing. Thankfully, Joseph-the best husband I have ever had-asked the pastor what his plans were for the afternoon after visitation and lunch, the pastor is going to let me go off with my friend for the afternoon.
We have been spending the week with my brother. We have had a great time with him! Last night we took him to Chili's for dinner-he has never been and the last meeting we had had given us gift cards for there! We even managed to have money left on the gift cards so that Joseph and I can go again! After dinner, it was off to Southwest Baptist Church-I love going there and seeing old friends! And finally after church it was off to ice cream with friends from home that are down here going to college! It was a great evening to catch up with everyone!
Joseph and I have discovered the fun internet tool of Skype! So far this week we have been able to chat with Joseph's parents on it as well as a good friend of his from Michigan! Its really fun to use and I am sure it will come in handy for when we go to Norway! So, if any of you has skype you should let me know, so we can set you up on our contact list! And just so you know, Skype is totally free! Yay!
Okay, well I should probably really find some motivation for the day and accomplish a few things before we head over to a friends house for dinner...have a happy Thursday!

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