

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

So, its been ages since my last post-my sincere apologies to all my faithful readers. We don't have internet access at home, so I don't have the time or the capabilities always to get into town where there is a wireless connection and do updates. Please notice the following post...its a baby update!
Since being home we have been busy noticing how much stuff we have, how tiny our apartment is and realizing how much more stuff we are going to accumulate when baby comes. What a task that lies before us! Were going to have a rummage sale this summer and we are already going through things...stuff that we convince ourselves to keep year after year and still never use it! Well, this time-we are standing strong and saying no more...its time to get rid of our junk and make a little extra cash for spoiling baby!
Joseph is trying to schedule meetings for summer and this is proving to be a difficult task. Normally, we try and take summers off since it is harder to schedule meetings due to Pastors knowing that people in the church will be vacationing, VBS going on, church camps, etc. and therefore, we then book our fall! However, this year I can't travel after Septemeber 22nd and we want to stay in the area in September so we are trying to book last minute summer meetings. Pray that God gives the necessary meetings in a short period of time.
Well, this was my quick update and I'm going to post my Wedded Wednesday blog as well! I figure that I'm playing catch up on here so why not!

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