

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10 on Tuesday

You Know Your a Mom When:
1. You have peas stuck to your neck and don't even realize it until much later in the day, when you are out and about.
2. You discover the melted chocolate hand prints on your face and shirt.
3. That junk hanging out your kids nose is removed with your bare finger and you dont even think twice about it.
4. When you hear, "mommy" you automatically think its you being spoken to even if there are a hundred other mommies in the room.
5. Your purse is a diaper bag.
6. When going out to eat you order your meal based on sharing it with your child.
7. When speaking to your husband you either use code words or spell out words. For example: when speaking about the bottle you may say..."can you get "it"/4 oz./the thing/" or you may say, "would you mind grabbing the b-o-t-t-l-e?"
8. You can recognize a dirty diaper a mile away.
9. You can recognize the cry of your child, even if you are across the building...in a different room...behind a closed door.
10. You realize there is something very special about being a mommy, yet you can never seem to find the words to define it.

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