

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things I Learned My Freshman Year in College, (By, Tisha Spencer, Lindsay Benson and Kendra Thrasher)

**I found this while going through school pics from the good old college days! I thought it would be fun to share this piece of 'memory lane' with you! This is from sometime 2000-2001!

1. You can fit 15 people on your bed when your heater is broken.
2. Your R.A's are human too-they break the rules.
3. Kleenex works just as good as toilet paper.
4. There's always just a LITTLE bit more toothpaste in the toothpaste tube-good to the last squeeze.
5. Windex and paper towel are a great substitute for mopping.
6. You can always fit one more article of clothing in the washer/dryer and still manage to shut the lid-even if you have to sit on it.
7. YOu can DEFINITELY recycle your clothes.
8. You don't HAVE to take a shower everyday.
9. What is mine is theirs.
10. Dorm day brings out the best in people.
11. I can sleep through a tornado.
12. Popcorn does burn.
13. The Christmas banquet is way over-rated.
14. Guys have no clue what 'just friends' means.
15. Who my TRUE friends are.
16. Another runner in the pantyhose, wear a longer skirt.
17. You are never lost, just disoriented.
18. What is mine, is really God's.
19. Your tastebuds will eventually adjust to the cafe food.
20. Christmas lights are great to read by after lights out.
21. There is no difference between a dorm room and a freezer.
22. How to clean my room in 10 minutes flat.
23. How to avoid head lice.
24. If theres a penny on the ground there is going to be a fight.
25. Girls CAN get ready in 30 minutes.
26. Reading lamps can cause fires.
27. Wal-mart is the place to be if you are a college student.
28. Sonic logo-Get rich quick with college students.
29. Walk the loop 3x's you are a couple, walk 5x's you are married.
30. Professors DO go on rabbit trails.
31. Privacy-whats that???
32. 8 hours sleep doesn't exist.

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