

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why Aren't You Pregnant?

**I get this question alot and if only people knew the journey I am on, I think they would stop and think before they ask...I hope! Ha! But, sometimes I just have to laugh or I would cry, so I found this online...

Tired of people constantly asking you why you aren't pregnant? Don't knot your brows and pout! Instead, have some fun with these snappy comebacks:

"You haven't asked yet."

"Pregnant? What's that?"

"I was hoping to do something meaningful with my life."

"Because I just love hearing this question."

"It gives my mother something to live for."

"I'm waiting until I get to be your age."

"I already have enough laundry to do, thank you."

"I'd have to forfeit my billion dollar trust fund."

"I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness."

"What? And lose all my money child safing my apartment?

"I don't want to have to support another person on my paycheck."

**Obviously, I would not say all of the above! However, you just might be surprised as to what people say to me when I tell them that I am not pregnant...for example:

"Well, don't you want kids?"

"Have you tried...."

"Do you know how?"

"Let me give you some tips..."

"Go on an all veggie diet for one month and you should be pregnant within the month"

**We are all guilty of probably prying in areas of peoples lives that we shouldn't. I just say this, once again, as a warning..."think before you speak and think before you ask!"

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