

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Think Before You Speak

You say it best when you say nothing at all...I realize this is a phrase that is sung in a non-Christian song; but I can't help to think how true that phrase can be. As people, we think we have something to say-whether it be to prove a point, share how we are feeling or thinking, to fill an awkward silence...have words to comfort a friend or give advice when they are dealing with something hard or that was never planned. Maybe we do this because we don't know any other way? I must admit I have been this way myself; but now as the Lord has put me in the place I am in life now I am learning...I don't always have to speak, I don't always have to ask and I don't always have to have an answer. Sometimes, the only thing I need to do is listen....most of the time the person doing the talking already knows the answer/solution...they just need an ear that is willing to listen. The key is, discretion...thinking before we ask a question...reply to a question or simply open our mouth.

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